How to Choose the Right Watermelon

Choose the Right WatermelonWhen choosing a watermelon, you want one that is ripe and juicy. Here are a few tips on how to choose the right watermelon:

  1. Look for a watermelon that is uniform in shape and size. Avoid watermelons that are misshapen or have blemishes on the skin.
  2. The watermelon should feel heavy for its size. This is an indication that it is full of juice.
  3. Tap on the watermelon. It should sound hollow. If it sounds dull, it means the watermelon is overripe and will not be as sweet or juicy.
  4. Check the color of the watermelon. The exterior should be mostly green with some patches of yellow. The underside of the watermelon should be a deep, rich red.
  5. Smell the watermelon. Ripe watermelons will have a sweet aroma. If it doesn’t smell sweet, it’s not ripe yet.

Now that you know how to choose a ripe and juicy watermelon, all that’s left to do is enjoy it! Slice it up and enjoy as is or use it in your favorite recipe. Either way, you’re sure to love this summertime treat!

Best Watermelon In The World

There is no definitive answer to what is the world’s best watermelon. The answer has several different answers as people all have their preferences. Some people might say that the tastiest watermelon comes from their own backyard, some like seeded watermelon, while others might claim that a certain type of watermelon grown in a specific region is the best. Ultimately, it all comes down to personal preference.

The Best Months to Buy Watermelon

The best months to buy watermelon are April, May, and June. Watermelons are in season during these months, so they will be the freshest and most affordable. If you’re looking for a deal on watermelon, try to purchase it during one of these months.

Best Season To Buy Watermelon

The best season to buy watermelon is during the summer months. Watermelons are typically in peak season from June through August. However, you may be able to find them for a lower price earlier or later in the season. Look for deals at your local grocery store or farmers’ market. You can also check online retailers for seasonal discounts on watermelons.

The Heaviest Watermelon RecordedBest Watermelon in the World

The heaviest watermelon on record weighed in at 262 pounds. It was grown by Chris Kent of Sevierville, Tennessee.

Seedless Watermelon Variety

The most common type of seedless watermelon is the triploid watermelon. This variety has 26 chromosomes and is a hybrid of two diploid plants- one with 22 chromosomes and the other with 24 chromosomes. Other popular seedless varieties include the tetraploid watermelon (with 28 chromosomes) and the hexaploid watermelon (with 36 chromosomes). These varieties are also hybrids, created by crossing different diploid plants. Finally, there is the octoploid watermelon, which has 56 chromosomes and is a hybrid of four different diploid plants. While this type of watermelon is less common, it is becoming more popular due to its large size and sweetness.

Some of the most popular seedless watermelon varieties include the Sugar Baby, the Crimson Sweet, and the Charleston Gray. These varieties are all sweet and have a crisp flesh. The Sugar Baby is a small watermelon, while the Crimson Sweet and Charleston Gray are larger. All three of these varieties are good choices for slicing and eating fresh.

If you’re looking for a seedless watermelon that is especially sweet, look for one of the newer hybrids, such as the Seedless Wonder or the Super Seedless. These watermelons have been bred to be extra sweet, with a sugar content that is higher than that of other seedless varieties.

Small Watermelon Varieties

Some small watermelon varieties include Sugar Baby, Petite Treat, and Cream of the crop. Sugar Baby watermelons typically weigh between 6-8 pounds and have dark green skin with a sugar-coated appearance. The Petite Treat variety is even smaller, usually only 4-6 pounds, and has a deep red flesh with a crisp texture. Cream of the Crop watermelons are slightly larger than the Sugar Baby, averaging 8-10 pounds, but have a light yellowish flesh with a sweet flavor. All of these varieties are great for eating fresh or using in recipes.

How Do We Get Square Shaped Watermelon?

We can get square-shaped watermelon by using a mold. We place the watermelon inside the mold and then put it in the fridge for a few hours. The watermelon will take on the shape of the mold and will be square when we take it out.

National Watermelon Day 2022National Watermelon Day - Supermarket

Watermelon Day is celebrated every year on August 3rd in the United States. This tasty fruit is not only delicious but also healthy, making it the perfect treat for a summer day! There are many ways to enjoy watermelon, from eating it plain to adding it to a refreshing salad or even enjoying it in a boozy beverage. Whether you prefer your watermelon seeded or seedless, there’s sure to be a way to enjoy this sweet treat on National Watermelon Day!

Mexican Watermelon Tajín

Looking for a tasty way to spice up your watermelon? Try Tajin Clasico Seasoning! This zesty blend of chili peppers, lime juice, and sea salt will add a flavorful kick to your fruit. Simply sprinkle Tajin on your favorite fruits and veggies, or use it as a seasoning for chicken, fish, or grilled meats. It’s also great on popcorn or in guacamole. No matter how you enjoy it, Tajin brings the perfect amount of heat and tang to any dish. Try it today and see for yourself!

Watermelon and Kidney Disease

Watermelon is not only a delicious summer fruit, but it may also be beneficial for people with kidney disease. A compound in watermelon called citrulline has been shown to improve kidney function in animal studies. Additionally, watermelons are a good source of potassium, which is important for people with kidney disease because they often need to limit their intake of this nutrient.

While more research is needed to confirm the benefits of watermelon for people with kidney disease, eating this refreshing fruit may be a simple way to help improve your health. Watermelons are low in calories and high in nutrients, so they make a great addition to any healthy diet. Enjoy them on their own or add them to your favorite salads or smoothies.

Watermelon Diet for 5 Days

The watermelon diet for 5 days is a weight loss plan that involves eating nothing but watermelons for five days straight. This diet is said to detoxify the body, help with weight loss, and improve overall health. While there is no scientific evidence to support these claims, some people may find the diet helpful in jump-starting their weight loss journey. If you’re interested in trying the watermelon diet, be sure to speak with your healthcare provider first to make sure it’s safe for you.

Watermelon GinWatermelon Gin - Grocery Store

Yes, there are different types of watermelon gin. Some brands use real watermelon juice, while others use watermelon flavoring. Some gins are also made with vodka instead of gin.

Here is one of my favorites:

The Fizz


  • 1-liter watermelon juice, freshly squeezed (about 4 cups)
  • 1 cup gin
  • 1/2 cup lemon juice, freshly squeezed (about 2 lemons)
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 2-3 drops rose water, optional
  • Seltzer or club soda, for serving


  1. Combine the watermelon juice, gin, lemon juice, and sugar in a large pitcher and stir until the sugar has dissolved.
  2. Add a few drops of rose water, if using.
  3. Refrigerate for at least an hour (up to overnight) to allow the flavors to meld.
  4. To serve, pour into glasses filled with ice and top off with seltzer or club soda.

The watermelon gin fizz is a refreshing and easy summer cocktail made with watermelon juice, gin, lemon juice, and sugar. A few drops of rose water give it a beautiful floral flavor, but it’s optional. Serve this up at your next BBQ or pool party!

Vodka Soaked Watermelon

Vodka-soaked watermelon is a party favorite for many people. The sweetness of the watermelon offsets the alcohol content of the vodka, making it a refreshing and tasty drink. Many people like to add other fruit juices or mixers to their vodka-soaked watermelons, but they can be enjoyed just as they are.